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FAQ: How Do I add UTM tracking to Facebook Ads?
FAQ: How Do I add UTM tracking to Facebook Ads?
Updated over a week ago

Specifically for Dynamic Product Ads on Facebook and/or Instagram, you can use UTM tracking or URL Parameters to ensure other, 3rd party tools such as Google Analytics can track traffic and even revenue from your ads.

  • From Ads Manager in Facebook Business Manager, click on your Ad to edit

  • Scroll down to find Tracking

  • Note that your Facebook Pixel does already provide some degree of tracking, however URL Parameters can specifically be used to review data in other platforms and even your store's native reporting

  • Build your URL Parameter based on UTM values regarding Source, Medium, and even Campaign.

For example, in the below image we added the following:


This now tells a platform such as Google Analytics that the Source of the traffic was Facebook, the Medium was DPA or Dynamic Product Ads, and the Campaign origin was from the Retargeting ads.

Rinse and repeat for all Ads within each Ad Set of your Campaign:

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