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Orders List

A brief overview of the Orders Dashboard for the Sales & Orders Marketplace feature

Updated over a week ago

Important Note: The Fulfillment Status metric is being deprecated as it is no longer utilized by channels such as Google Shopping. You can ignore this metric as it will be removed in a future software update.

Additionally, order syncing between your store and Google Merchant Center occurs every 10 minutes automatically.

The Orders dashboard provides a line by line breakdown of all orders not just from marketplace solutions such as Google Shopping Actions, but with the added bonus of showing order statuses for general purchases made in your BigCommerce or Shopify store.

The source field is what indicates the origin of the order (see below for an example):

Important Note: Non-marketplace derived orders are 'non-actionable' in your Sales & Orders account. Our app simply imports this information form your store. You cannot alter order statuses or details for your general store orders in the app.

You can alter what information is displayed in the table and even export the line item data by using the icons in the upper right hand corner, using the download icon to export the list to a CSV:

You can also filter the table by any metric using the icon located directly next to the metric in the column header:

Though the majority of the information found in this table is imported from either your store or a marketplace such as Google Shopping Actions, there is one metric to note for description:

  • SCP Order Status: Shopping Cart Platform Order Status or the status of an order as it is read within your BigCommerce or Shopify store

Viewing an Order

You can view more in-depth order status and details, including a log of when an order was synced and when statuses changed, by clicking on the specific order in your table.

The order will be highlight in light blue and a flyout panel will appear, showing you a variety of information including Customer Details, Product Data, Shipments Information.

As you scroll down on this panel you will also note two key data tables:

  • Order Issues (Maretplaces Only): If any issues were detected with an order on, for example, Google Shopping Actions, this information will be imported and listed here

  • Order History: A detailed breakdown of when orders were processed between your store, our app, and (marketplaces only) the given marketplace such as Google Shopping Actions:

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