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Text Attribute Builder Rules

How to use text attribute builder for Feed Rules

Updated over a week ago

Text Attribute Builder is a drag and drop text string builder that allows you to select from pre-existing attributes as well as being able to add Custom Text, to restructure your chosen attribute entirely, such as when rebuilding Product Titles. Also Includes:

  • Remove Duplicate Words: Check off to remove any duplicate words throughout your attribute

  • Capitalize To Human: Check off to capitalize the first letter of each word in a string

Start by clicking on the gray drop down field in the text string area, and then select an attribute you wish to add to the string:

Once added, you can continue to add additional attributes as desired by repeating the above step:

Note the attributes "Null", "Remove Space", and "Custom Text". Use these to either:

  • Nullify or completely remove the value for a specific attribute

  • Remove blank space between two separate attributes

  • Type in and add your own desired text to the string

Once you are satisfied with your chosen attributes, you can drag and drop to rearrange their position as you see fit:

When you are finished, Save your rule to then preview your changes in the Rule Preview panel at the bottom of the interface. Do note that if you do not apply a Filter, your rule will affect all products. Additionally, if you do not select Product Channels, your rule will affect all channels by default.

Note that you must send your feed to your respective channels to finalize any changes you have made in the app.

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