Integrated Platforms (BigCommerce, Shopify, Magento)
The Feed Tool syncs automatically as follows for integrated eCommerce partners:
12-Hour Sync: Any newly added products to your store OR changes made to existing products will be imported and sent to your connected channels every 12 hours
Weekly Full Sync: Every week the app will also perform a full import/export cycle between your store and connected channels.
You may also control the import/export cycle at any time through the following. From the Feed Tool navigate to Feeds > Scroll down to find Send Feed
Auto-send Feed: Enables/disables the app from automatically sending your feed entirely
Send Feed: This will ONLY perform an export of your existing cache in our app. This can also be used to send changes you make to your feed in the app
Should you want to override any automated cycle at any time, we recommend utilizing the Import Store Products feature within the Feed Tool in the Products section:
Non-Integrated Platforms w/ Feed Tool
The Feed Tool for non-integrated platforms with access to the feed tool sync based on your Auto Export and Fetch Schedule settings under Feed Tool > Import Feed.
Note that both Auto-send Feed and Send Feed are still available as well:
You can also override and run a manual sync for a Feed or URL imported feed by returning to Feed Tool > Import Feed and clicking Fetch.
Note that after clicking Fetch, the status of your feed will go to Processing... until it is complete. Fetch times can vary based on number of products and/or the complexity of your product data mapping: