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Advertiser (Affiliates)
Affiliate Advertisers - Publishers
Affiliate Advertisers - Publishers

A brief overview of the Publishers table for your Affiliate Advertiser account

Updated over a week ago

You'll find your current and potential Publisher partners here in your account. All Advertiser tools can be accessed using the main app navigation menu and clicking on Advertiser:

Displayed here you will find the following Publisher distinctions, and you can view each by selecting the distinction from the buttons provided:

  • Not Applied - New Publishers or Publishers you have yet to connect with and apply to work with

  • Pending - Any Publisher you have applied to work with but has not responded or approved your request

  • Rejected - Any Publisher that has rejected your application to begin working with them

  • Approved - All Publishers that you have applied to and have been approved to begin working with

  • Closed - Any Publisher whose account has been closed and is no longer available to partner with

When Publishers are filed under Not Applied, you may apply to work with them. By clicking on the green icon next to a Publisher you will be able to learn more about them as well:

Approved Publishers

For any Approved Publisher, you retain the control to reject working with them at any point as well as the ability to adjust your desired commission structure unique to the particular Publisher. This overrides your previously set default commission structure for your account:

This override is immediate and will take affect on any commissions moving forward but not retroactively.

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