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Dashboard (Products)

A brief overview of the Dashboard for individual product reports

Updated over 3 years ago

Individual Product Dashboards comes equipped with a few key reporting features at the product level.

At the very top you'll find

  • Google Searches (Search, Shopping, Image) & Landing Page quick-access buttons

  • Report Tabs: Cycle through the various product-level reports (Google Shopping data only) - continue reading below

  • Performance Chart: Adjustable  by date range, plotting multiple metrics to view on the graph, and being able to adjust the chart to reflect all or only one Channel

Report Tabs (Google Shopping Only)

As you tab through each detailed section, you'll be able to view the following:

  • Performance: Aggregate performance stats based on your selected date range

  • Synergy: Synergy metrics associated with this product

  • Search Queries: Any keywords shoppers used to find your products on Google

  • Details: Basic product information and attributes, including attributes in your feed in Google Merchant Center

  • Bid History: A breakdown of past bid changes performed on this product

  • Pricing (Repricer Access Only): Detailed information for this product based on competitor and repricing history

Direct below the main Performance Chart, you'll find Performance breakdowns for select ad metrics per Channel:

Below this will be your Campaign Performance table. Data displayed here is specific only to the campaigns where a particular product is housed:

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