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Creating Shopping Campaigns (Automatic Ad Groups)

How to create Google or Microsoft Shopping campaigns using your S&O account

Updated over 4 years ago

Your S&O account allows you to customize everything about your Shopping campaign setup.

You can also opt to let the app automate some of the more complex tasks like creating ad groups.

To get started, click Create Campaign from either the Update Bids, Add Products, or Campaigns Tab in Campaign Manager. You'll then need to apply your basic campaign settings:

Campaign Settings

  • Name your campaign

  • Set the status to Enabled

  • Set your Country of Sale (where you are based and ship products from)

Shopping Settings

  • Campaign Priority - When you more than one Shopping campaign active, this tells Google which campaign should serve ads before any others. A High Priority campaign will always serve ads before a Medium Priority. which will always serve ads before a Low Priority. If this is your first or only Shopping campaign, setting this to Medium is generally recommended.

  • Enable Local Ads (Google Only) - You must be eligible for Google's Local Inventory Ads. Generally speaking, leave this as Disable.

  • Include Search Partners (Google Only) - Google search partners are sites in the Search Network that partner with Google to show ads on their search results. Enabling this may cause your Shopping Ads to appear on Search Partners. If you are under budget constraints, we recommend leaving this as No.

Location Settings

From this selection you may choose which Locations (ie country, state) to include and/or exclude in your targeting. Type into either field to prompt a selection drop down list to choose from. Note that Location Inclusion is Required while Exclusion is Optional.

Location Options (Advanced)

These settings can be used for further optimize your location targeting to prevent your ads from showing to less relevant audiences. We typically recommend using the default setting "People in my targeted location."

Proximity Targeting

Also known as Radius Targeting, this allows you to further optimize your targeting to show ads only to those in a specific radius around a select town, city, zip code for example. For the most part, we recommend ignoring this type of targeting for Shopping campaigns.

Bidding Strategy

Campaigns created using Sales & Orders only support a Manual CPC Bidding Strategy, although you also have the option to include Enhanced CPC bidding - however, we highly recommend NOT enabling Enhanced CPC as it can cause you to overspend.

Your Default Bid set here is simply the default Bid set at the Campaign level. In later steps, your S&O account will apply unique bids per product.

Device Settings (Expandable Menu)

From here you can set your Device-Level bid adjustments at the campaign level. These modifiers can be set to either Increase or Decrease. When setting a bid adjustment here, your campaign will automatically increase or decrease bids for your products by a set percentage for any given device.


Apply your Daily Budget or the total amount you wish to spend in a given day on your Shopping Campaign. It is important to note that Google can spend MORE than your given Daily Budget in a single day, however never more than the average you would spend in a given 30 day period.

Generally, you can ignore the Final URL Suffix setting as channels like Google and Bing support Auto Tagging for URLs.

After completing all required fields, click Create Campaign if you are satisfied.

Adding Products

IMPORTANT: This step must not be skipped. Once a campaign is created, you have to add product to the campaign for it to serve ads.

Navigate to Add Products and select your newly created campaign from the drop down:

The app will have automatically created the necessary number of ad groups to house all your products - so, you will find a few default settings to be aware of:

  • Auto Build: By default, the app will control the number of ad groups needed and which products are added to those ad groups. The maximum number of products per ad group is 14,000.

  • Manual Build: Only to be used if you were fully customizing your campaign's ad groups (see other guide on creating campaigns for custom ad groups).

  • Applied Filters: Automatically, the app will seek to only add products that are either Approved or Pending in Merchant Center. This is because Disapproved products are ineligible for ads.

Do note that you may choose to change your filters at anytime, however it is highly recommended to maintain the default Approved/Pending filter as well. 

Once you are ready, scroll down to the Modify Bids panel and choose how you wish to set your initial Max CPC bids. We recommend using the Bid Suggestion Engine if you are just starting out, however you may also choose to:

  • Set a specific Max CPC bid for all products

  • Increase or Decrease the current CPC (typically based the Suggestion) before posting

Once you are satisfied, click Add All To Pending to send these Adds to the Pending Table. 

You will then need to go to Pending to finalize your changes and have them pushed to your channel:

Please be aware that it can take several minutes for this to completely send to your respective channel. Once this table has cleared, you can log into either Google or Bing Ads to confirm.

To reference, after building a campaign like this in the app, product groups should now look something like this in Google Ads:

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