IMPORTANT: This section can only be used to set up Google Ads Conversion Actions, however the majority of reporting found in your Sales & Orders account also stems from Google Analytics. If you are currently using Google Analytics Goals successfully, then you will not need to add Google Ads Actions.
To add a new Conversion Action, click Add
Select WEBSITE as your type
Note that PHONE CALLS can also be set up but these are not used towards revenue tracking
Click Next
Set up your Conversion Action settings
Click Create And Continue once satisfied
Your site tag and event snippet will be generated for you to copy and paste into your website code, tag manager, or to have emailed to you for later use
IMPORTANT: Google Ads Conversion Tracking tags must be customized to properly capture revenue for Shopping Ads.
Click Next and then Done on the final step
If you have any questions or require any assistance with Google Ads Conv. Tracking, please contact our team.