The Ad Metrics panel provides a snapshot of stats that are solely associated with your ad performance. This includes:
Impressions: The number of times ads were viewed
Clicks: The number of times your ads were clicked on
CTR: Click Through Rate, the percentage of when your ads were clicked on versus the number of times they were viewed (Clicks / Impressions) X 100
Total Products: The total number of products tracked in your account based on your campaigns
Avg. CPC: Average cost per click or the average you pay for clicks across all ads
Conversions: The number of times a purchase was made after your ads were clicked on
Conversion Rate: The percentage of when your ads converted on versus the number of times they were clicked (Conversions / Clicks) X 100
ROAS: Return on Ad Spend, the "X Times" multiplier of your return from all ad spend (Sales Or Conv. Value / Ad Spend)ย
Avg. Cost To Convert: The average cost, in ad spend, to generate a conversion from all your ads
Avg. Conversion Value: The average monetary value across all conversions from your ads