Potential Negative Terms (Google Dashboard Only)

Reduce wasteful ad spend with negative keyword suggestions

Updated over a week ago

Potential Negative Terms uses data from Google Analytics and provides suggestions based on when select search terms are wasting ad spend due to not producing sales.

The tool is best used a guideline for reducing wasteful spending via:

  • Adding negative keywords

  • Filtering for products containing terms and adjusting bids or excluding products

There are four primary functions of the Potential Negative Terms tool:

  • Trigger Google Search: Use the spyglass icon to run a search in the Shopping tab of Google for a particular term

  • Direct Negative Add: Add a particular negative term to the campaign directly from the tool (recommended only for advanced users)

  • Filtering: Click on the term itself to access a Filtered view of all products with similar terms in their Titles

  • Product View: Click on the product name to access the individual reporting dashboard for the particular product

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